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Anti-mage is a melee agility hero that is capable for being a hard carry within a game. He is known for his first skill "Mana Break" that threatens his enemy's who are highly reliable with the usage of mana ,mainly are the intelligence heroes. It is outplayed for me because it breaks easily the mana of his opponent and with his teleport he can easily escape from different team fights. And with his "Spell Shield" it is so outplayed because the mana of his opponent will break and at the same time their spells are less effective so, how to kill ANTI-MAGE? leave a commend below.

Mana Break - Breaks his opponent's mana percentage. It takes 50 percent of the mana burned as damage to the target.

Blink - A versatile skill of Anti-Mage making him do short distance teleportation that allows to move in and out of different combats. Also you can farm easily.

Spell Shield - Increases Anti-Mage's resistance to magic damage.

Mana Void - Anti-Mage ultimate have a mini-stun on his target. For every missing in target's mana pool ,damage is dealt to it and surrounding enemies.

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