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The most annoying and durable hero in dota. He will just absorb the damage taken by turning his back on the enemy's unit. He is an ultimate tanker and unstoppable spammer of his second skill "Quill Spray" when he already built an "Octarine Core" and "Radiance" item. He can easily regenerate by spell lifesteal of "Octarine Core".

Viscous Nasal Goo - Bristleback covers a target with snot causing the target enemy to reduce armor and movement speed. It is gross when you are playing because it sounds like a real snot that thrown to you.

Quill Spray - Bristleback sprays enemy units with quill dealing damage in an area. Every stack of quill spray deal more damage. It lasts for 14 seconds.

Bristleback - A passive ability that describes himself. He takes less damage if hit on the sides or rear. Bristleback release a "quill spray" of the current level when he receive a damage of 210.

Warpath - Bristleback's ultimate increases his movement speed and damage every time he cast a spell.

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