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Keeper of the Light

Keeper of the Light is a ranged intelligence hero and if I want to support the team I am using this hero because of his ability that helps the team when starting to have an item. His Illuminate that has a disruptive light that deals damage on its path. his Chakra Magic that help his team to have a mana. When he activated his ultimate the Recall may help other teammates to send him/her to Keeper of the Light. I use teleportation when we are about to gank.

Illuminate - Channels light energy,that gives more power the longer it's channeled. Once it released, a wave is sent forth that deals damage and gives vision in its path. Hide on trees so that opponent heroes receive the illuminate and receive a damage.

Release Illuminate - Release the channel early.

Mana Leak - Keeper of the Light's second ability causing them to lose mana as they move. If the enemy loses all of its mana, it will be stunned. I am using this in Blue Team wherein all mana breakers are being picked such as Outworld Devourer, Anti-Mage, Lion and an item of Diffusal Blades.

Chakra Magic - Restores mana to the target unit, increases its mana capacity, and reduces the cooldown of the next spell they cast.

Spirit Form - Ezalor temporarily turns his body luminescent, gaining 2 different abilities. Illuminate is now channeled by a separate spirit, and gains the Blinding Light and Recall abilities.

Recall - After a short delay, teleports the targeted friendly hero to your location. If the targeted friendly hero takes player based damage during this time, the ability is interrupted. It is effective when you buy boots of travel and use this for your team to push towers while your opponent are busy in a combat.

Blinding Light - A blinding light flashes over the targeted area, knocking back and blinding the units in the area, causing them to miss attacks.

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